Keith began his interest in birds as a boy growing up in Saskatchewan and Ontario. Immigrating to Australia, he worked as a field researcher studying the distribution of Queensland's rainforest birds. Returning to Victoria, where he continues to reside, Keith joined the staff of the Royal British Columbia Museum as curator of ornithological collections and as illustrator. During his stay he embellished a plethora of scientific papers and journals and a series of handbooks on the province's birds, reptiles and amphibians with his drawings.
Recently, Keith has been self-employed as a freelance water-colour artist and has published birding guides to Costa Rica, Thailand, Malaysia, Ecuador, British Columbia, Vancouver Island and the two CD-ROM's advertised on this web page, A Birder's Guide to Costa Rica and Observing 900 Species in North America. He has also written numerous articles for birding and natural history magazines and has led birding tours, including for Wings, Inc.
Keith has been touring the world with birding trips, among others, to Hawaii,
Costa Rica, Jamaica, Tahiti, South Africa, Great Britain and Mexico. North
America's birding hotspots still hold his most intense interest and Keith holds
the highest ABA list of any Canadian -752 species.